This is a great place to say hello and describe the sort of content readers can find on your blog. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Fusce magna mi, porttitor quis, convallis eget, sodales.
You know we’re human BEINGS, not human DOINGS, right? So, why do you think it is that we spend so much of our life focused on the tasks? Focused on the to-do lists, the what to do NOW, the what to do NEXT questions? I believe it has to do with our innate desire to […]
Do you know how to get better results in your life using Biblical principles? If you’ve listened in on any popular productivity or business coach’s podcast or trainings these days, you’ll hear one mantra spoken more than any other: “If you want to change your results, change your thoughts.” But I’ve found that if you […]
Are you ready to talk about the real reason you’re feeling stuck? After ten years of co-leading a church with my husband and leading a women’s discipleship community for just about as long, I’ve heard folks say “I’m stuck” a LOT. We’ve all been there, right? But I’ve come to realize that when this happens […]
Does the Church need a little “Come to Jesus” chat right about now? If you’re someone who goes to Church meetings on the regular, let me ask you something . . . Are you following a *life philosophy* or the real and living Jesus Christ? Did I offend? I certainly hope not, but I also […]
There are two things keeping you out of Biblical health territory — and they aren’t your self-discipline or the diet plan you’re following. Seven years ago I heard the Lord tell me to get my certificate in holistic health coaching. It wasn’t so I could start a one-on-one health coaching practice (or even so I […]
Does your prayer always seem to start with or major on “What should I do, Lord?” We’ve all been there, caught in the midst of a “situation,” having to make a decision in a moment of crisis or tension, and we “throw up a prayer.” And most times that prayer in that moment is something […]
Some things you’ve been wanting from God, you can only get in His Rest. Sometimes the thing we need really relies on our position, and the rest of God is a prime position to be in. It’s in His rest that we can receive without striving, we can overcome without having to think up the […]
You can’t “effort” your way into grace, but God can grace you for effective effort. Why are we “programmed” to think we have to work hard and do our very best in order to “deserve” God’s rest? It’s a question I think about a lot since the Bible tells us something very different about entering […]
We’ve been sold a definition of rest by this world that just isn’t accurate. The kind of rest the world pushes is insufficient. Have you realized this yet? The more you religiously engage with the self-care rituals, the more you aggressively disappear for “me time,” the more you pursue products that promise to curb your […]