Sugar Detox

Beacon Sugar Detox – Modifications & Day 2

January 5, 2016

One thing you’ll never hear about my detox or clean eating programs is that they are militant. Sure, if you want certain results you are going to have to do certain things. The body is, for the most part, a principled organism. But there is flexibility in how we get somewhere. What this means is there is generally a solution SET and not just one solution.

As you get through Day 2 there will be things that you are figuring out. How to optimize and smooth energy throughout the day without breaking down and reaching for sugar, what new recipes you can make that fit the plan, how to make meal prep easier, and how to avoid or lessen detox symptoms. While you want to stick to the plan you originally committed to, you MAY have to make adjustments on the fly. And — get this — that’s OKAY!

If you’re going to call an audible mid-detox, make sure the swap makes sense. As an example, one of our teammates is considering swapping 1/4 c of non-GMO, organic corn tortilla chips for 1/4 c of starchy veg to get some of the crunch back in her life. This is a sensible swap (so long as she doesn’t have a sensitivity to corn). The sugar impact between these two items is fairly similar, and at this amount, it’s definitely an okay swap.

Audibles you shouldn’t be calling: “Oh, I’ll allow myself 8 M&Ms a day. It’s okay to do just a few each day.” Nope. That’s the sugar beast coming for you! “Oh, I’ll just take a day off since my energy is flagging so much. One day off and I’ll be ready to hop back on.” Nay! That is the siren song of the carb loading mermaid. Don’t do it! Learn to know the difference between wise adjustments and adjustments made out of discomfort.

And remember…there’s always another sugar detox. Do the best you can each day. Don’t forget that SMALL, CONSISTENT CHANGES EQUAL BIG RESULTS! Note the small wins. Keep track, and keep moving!

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