Essential Oils

The New Young Living Business Builder’s Homework Checklist

January 10, 2017

Welcome, Business Builder! So you’ve purchased your premium starter kit and made the decision to leverage it into an opportunity to get some oils for free or even make a paycheck. Well done! Now it’s time to get to work. Here’s your homework to be completed during Month 1 of your business. Complete it and you’ll reap a pretty sweet reward!

#1) Practice your 101 script (found in the files section of Team Beacon’s Lighthouse Facebook group). Do it at least five times before you head out to do your first class. And make absolutely sure that you are sharing compliantly. Young Living calls it “Sharing the Right Way.” We cannot make disease claims as we sell Young Living’s products, so make sure your script stays in line with the company’s guidelines for sharing.

#2) Connect with a few friends and family members and ask them if they will host a class so you can practice your script. Schedule 2-4 classes within the next month, if you can. Shoot for 6-8 people at each class. This will get you off to a strong start in your new business!

#3) Sign up for Essential Rewards, Young Living’s monthly auto ship program, and make sure your base order is 100PV or more each month. You must spend 100PV per month in order to be eligible for full business compensation with Young Living. Spending this monthly 100PV through Essential Rewards is the best way because you’ll earn back a portion of your purchase in the form of Rewards Points. This means you’ll get free oils or products for putting in your order each month!

#4) Know how to generate your very own personal link to share with those who wish to purchase a starter kit and become a Young Living member. Know how to walk them through the process of buying a kit.

#5) Go to and do the 25 day bootcamp. It’s free! And amazing. Make sure you have both the book and the workbook for this training. You can find them both on Amazon.

#6) Hold your class(es). Follow the script. Finish with a strong close by offering the kit confidently. Be sure everyone gets a packet of information to take home with them that includes details on the premium starter kit and how to get one, including your personalized link to purchase, and how to contact you. You may also want to include some information about doing a Young Living business. Be sure to have each person who attends the class fill out an information/raffle card so you can follow up with them afterwards.

#7) Follow up! Whip out those completed cards. For anyone who purchased a kit, you’ll want to do the Kit Sale Follow Up process. For everyone else, have a look at their card and see what interests they indicated, and then follow up with those in mind.

#8) Repeat. Repeat. Repeat! Remember, we use a sharing and educational model. We aren’t “salesy.” Young Living’s mission is to see their pure, therapeutic essential oils in every home in the world. We believe in this product and want to help people meet their family’s needs through these incredible oils. So we share!

If you finish these steps within the first month of your business, let your enroller know. You’ll be well on your way to establishing a growing Young Living business!

Support, Training & Resources Available to You

As you’re completing your homework during the first month, you may be wondering what sorts of support, training and resources are out there for Young Living business builders. Here are a few that we use each and every day on Team Beacon:

Team Beacon’s Lighthouse (Facebook group): This is the place to find encouragement, team training, resources (in the files section), ideas and information on upcoming events. This group is comprised of all business builders found in Erica Pyle’s organizational downline.

Raising Royals, Team Awesome, The Dream Team & The Lemon Droppers (Facebook groups): These are other valuable groups on Facebook that are comprised of business builders within the organization above me and you. Raising Royals is a team of cross line members within the Lemon Droppers group (that’s us!). Team Awesome is run by Emily Lourcey, our Platinum upline. The Dream Team is led by Monique McLean, Royal Crown Diamond. The Lemon Droppers is run by Lindsay Teague Moreno, Royal Crown Diamond. The files within these business groups are rich with resources like videos on how the business side of Young Living works and how we approach the business as part of the Lemon Droppers team. I highly suggest taking a Saturday to peruse the files in each of these groups to really glean knowledge, wisdom and strategies for how to grow your own business.

Gameplan Training & Resources: You’ll want to check out Sarah Harnisch’s team page — This is where you will find the 25 day Gameplan bootcamp as well as a number of other valuable resources. On the Free Tools page she’s given us access to a free 45 minute audio version of her 101 class that you can share with anyone you would like. This is great for people who don’t live in your area but want to learn more about the oils.

Oh My Oils! Compensation Videos: My favorite place to learn about Young Living’s compensation plan, by far, is on Monique McLean’s Oh My Oils! site. Clear and concise, these videos will help you to understand the structure of the comp plan quickly.

Lemon Drop Spot: If you’d like some pre-made, marketing pieces to share on your personal social media pages or via email or text, the Lemon Drop Spot is a great place to start. It costs $5 per month, and they generally share a monthly promo piece on the first day of the month and then a few more pieces by the 15th of the month. These pieces are customized with your contact info and member number. A few things to note: You cannot share these pieces on public facing pages like Facebook business pages or blogs and you may not print these pieces. Check all the user guidelines on the site where you sign up.

Oily Tools: Want to track your paycheck progress throughout the month? Oh my goodness, this is one of my favorite things to do! This is how I know that my hustle is actually paying off. Oily Tools is $7/month. Your enroller may send you a free month for this app when you sell your first kit! Download the app on your phone and use your Virtual Office login info to login to the app.

Cinchshare: Will you be doing classes online inside of Facebook events or groups? If so, you’re going to want a post scheduler so you can be freed up during the class to answer questions. Enter Cinchshare. It’s $10/month.

My Oil Site: Do you want to have a website, but you don’t have time or money to build it from scratch? A number of folks use My Oil Site as a basic website you can send folks to that will explain the basics like buying a starter kit and Essential Rewards. Prices range from $10 – $30/month with the highest subscription including a sharable blog post each month and access to shareable graphics.

Team Beacon’s Lighthouse Business Trainings: Each month, we do an in-person business training on a different, relevant topic for your business. Check the Lighthouse Facebook group for information on the next business training!

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