
The Beacon Cleanse Customizable Worksheet

January 4, 2018

One of the unique things about the Beacon Cleanse is its customizable nature. This feature allows you to participate in the Cleanse while also maintaining compliance with various different eating plans. So if you find yourself following keto, a vegetarian diet, paleo, FODMAP or anywhere else on the map, you can harness the accountability and community power of the Beacon Cleanse.

The Cleanse has three different categories to be considered: What gets excluded, what gets added and what can optionally be added to “amp up” your cleanse. Each of these categories will be discussed in greater depth in separate posts. But the main thing to notice right now is modification option. This is where you can omit or add items to the Cleanse based on other factors you are considering for your eating plan. So, for instance, if you are following paleo, to the Omit column you would add “beans and legumes” and “all grains,” for instance. You would also modify the dairy omission to be “all dairy.”

Once you’ve customized your Cleanse, you will determine your target score for each day of the Cleanse. You give a potential point to every line item you’ve defined. Let’s say you are removing the basic 7 line items for the Cleanse, but you only want to add 4 things from the add column and you’re not doing amp ups this time around because it’s your first time. Perfect! You’re target score for each day of the cleanse will be 11. You can earn up to 11 points each day while on the program. And that’s your goal: To get as many potential points each day as possible.

Will the Cleanse work if you’re daily target score is low? It depends. Is this your first time through the Beacon Cleanse? If so, a target of 11 will generate benefits for you. But if you’re looking for a major overhaul you’re going to want to go with at least the basic Omits and Adds which would generate a target score of 13. You’ll find the Checklist below. Go ahead and start creating your customizable daily target!

The 2018 session of the Beacon Cleanse begins on January 8th (prep week runs the 2nd – 7th). You can find our tribe working the program together over on Facebook at The Beacon Cleanse. Come join us for accountability, encouragement, coaching and recipe ideas.

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