This is a great place to say hello and describe the sort of content readers can find on your blog. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Fusce magna mi, porttitor quis, convallis eget, sodales.
What should we be doing as the Church right now? It’s a weird question, right? If you’re a part of the Church then maybe you’re thinking, “Hey, Erica, we’re just supposed to keep on being the Church while Jesus builds.” And that would be true, but then let me ask you this: What are we […]
Are you practicing sanctification regularly in your life? Have you ever wondered why you and thinking and agreeing with all the right things when it comes to the Bible and being a Christian, but you’re still not experiencing powerful transformation and activation in your life? It’s likely because you aren’t practicing sanctification on a regular […]
Sharing a message I preached a couple weeks ago at my home church, REVIVE Church of Tampa. In this episode I’m challenging listeners to get activated on five different activities that every disciple of Jesus should be focused on during their faith walk. If you’re a woman and would like to dig into the five endeavors […]
How did you prepare to parent? If you don’t yet have kids, how are you preparing even now? If you’ve got kids I want you to think back to when you were getting ready to have them. How did you prepare? Did you read books about newborns and raising kids? Did you do a load […]
Emotions make crappy leaders. Probably one of the most common discussions inside the Christian community has to do with this question: Are emotions good, or are they bad? So, what do you think? God created us with the ability to feel emotions. This means the ability to emote is good because everything God creates is […]
Have you ever been goaded into fighting dirty? About a year ago I almost posted something to my social media feeds that would have been in direct opposition to the Biblical verse I consider to be my “life verse.” I mean, how does someone who endeavors to make a sound for Jesus and His Kingdom […]
Who’s got the healthiest body on the face of the planet? On this week’s episode of Positioned to Prosper I’m bringing you a live recording of a message I shared at my home church, REVIVE Church of Tampa ( to kick off a monthly series we’re doing called, The Truth About Health & Healing. The message […]
Do you think God’s healing is a function of miracle or process? Which one do you think it is? As I’ve discussed the topic with loads of people over the years, I’ve found that many believe it’s either one or the other. And what’s even more interesting is that they mainly think one of these […]
Sugar should come with a warning label. Sugar can be considered to be dangerous “food-like” substance. It’s true. Sugar highlights our celebratory meals and holiday tables, but it also permeates our daily diets, and it’s the prevalence of the highly processed and concentrated form consumed on this day-to-day basis that is of high concern if […]