Sugar Detox

Is the Beacon Sugar Detox For Me?

December 26, 2015

Listen, I’m going to get right to the heart of the matter. Yes, you could use a sugar detox.

For the more “in depth” ins and outs of why sugar isn’t good for you, I’m going to refer you to one of my favorite bloggers when it comes to simplicity with science in mind: Paleo Mom. In this blog post she addresses the dangers of eating too much sugar (or carbohydrates, for that matter). Just keep in mind that she is a fan of paleo and her view on grains and legumes may be a bit more drastic than some.

What I really think it comes down to as you’re trying to answer the question “Do I need a sugar detox?” is whether or not this statement resonates for you:

“Sugar makes me feel not so good.”

How do you know if sugar’s to blame? Below is a list of common red flags your body may throw up when it’s trying to let you know you’re feeding it too much sugar. If you recognize any of these symptoms in your own body, chances are a sugar detox would be good for you.

  • Chronic tiredness and lack of energy
  • A rush of energy right after eating sugar, followed by a “crash” a short time afterwards
  • Moderate to severe cravings for sweet and/or starchy foods
  • Nausea and/or upset stomach after eating a large amount of sugar
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night
  • Irritability and/or anxiety
  • Trouble losing weight
  • Aches and pains in the joints and/or muscles
  • Prone to picking up colds and the flu
  • Skin issues such as acne and eczema
  • Food or seasonal allergies with symptoms staying the same or getting worse over time
  • Hormone imbalance (thyroid, stress hormones, sex hormones)
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Moderate to severe PMS symptoms
  • Diabetes or pre-diabetes (sometimes called metabolic syndrome)

How many of these symptoms are you experiencing? Even if you’re experiencing just one or two of the symptoms listed, you’ll benefit from doing a sugar detox. But if you’re experiencing three or more, I want to personally encourage you to seriously consider joining us on the Beacon Sugar Detox. Just be sure to check in with your health care provider if you’re currently taking medications that might be affected by a major change in your daily diet. Click this link to sign up and you’ll be added to the private Beacon Sugar Detox Facebook group where you will find the Program Guide, Food Lists and a community of support for the 21 days that the detox runs. Hope to see you there!

And just one other thing before we get started. This program and the information and suggestions contained herein do not constitute medical advice. While I am a certified health coach, I am not qualified or certified to diagnose any disease, and this program is not intended to treat, prevent or cure any disease. We’re all about wellness and creating strong and robust health around here! Our hope and desire is that our programs will give you the information and suggestions you need to create your very own plan for wellness.



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