“I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!” – Psalm 91:2 (AMP)
Psalm 91 is an awesome chapter of scripture. In it we’re told of all the amazing things God will do to keep us safe. Verse 2 says, “I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!” I will say of the Lord. What we are willing to declare about God has implications. When we are willing to declare the righteousness and the goodness of God, trusting him comes naturally. Our words reveal what we believe a person is capable of.
The Amplified version of verse 3 of Psalm 91 begins, “For then He will . . .” As we declare what we believe about God and our intention to confidently trust in him, something happens to our future. As we commit to what we believe through our spoken words, God is “released” to act for us. Our declaration to trust the Lord positions us. We become perfectly positioned to see what the Lord will do for us. God is ready to do it all along – that’s just how he is. But there is something about our willingness to agree with who he is and what he is like that actually allows that reality of him to come towards us. Our ability to trust and our declaration of that trust can change our future. A perfect example of this is Romans 10:9 – believing in our hearts and confessing with our mouths saves us. Reality changed forever.
As we begin to speak in line with what the Word says about God, we have a unique opportunity to create a loop in our own lives that can allow trust to arise. We speak the Word of God and we hear the truth of what we are saying. It goes down into our hearts as a seed of faith and we meditate on it with our minds. We are encouraged to dig deeper in the Word and to pray to find more truth about God and what he is like. We speak what is being revealed to us. We hear what we are speaking and faith comes. And the cycle continues. As it continues, our ability to trust is bolstered. Faith in God makes it possible for us to trust him. This “Romans 10:17 loop’ is essential to our ability to build trust in God.
What we say about God – his character, his ability, his nature – will have an effect on our ability to trust him. Our ability to trust him will have an effect on our ability to receive from him. But it all flows from what we believe about him. What will you believe about him today? What will you declare as you place your trust in him?
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