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We like it salty and sweet

I’m sharing the Friday night message from this year’s REVIVE Women’s Conference. On this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I’ve got something really special for you. I’m going to be sharing with you the message I preached at the Friday night session of our REVIVE Women’s Conference that just happened this past weekend. […]

#35: RWC Message Spotlight — Coming Out in Power


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Are celebration and rest regular parts of your lifestyle? I’m not just asking if you agree with celebration and rest as concepts. I’m asking if you regularly incorporate celebration and rest into your daily flow of living, working, creating and producing. When was the last time you intentionally and fully celebrated a win in your […]

#34: The Importance of Celebration & Rest


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Did you know that you have a sound on your life? We’ve all got a sound because that’s how God has made us. We’re sound-makers by design. Beacons. Repeaters, really. But if we don’t realize this piece of our nature – that we’re made to make a sound for the Kingdom – this ability to make a […]

#33: What’s Your Sound?


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Do you have a Jesus Girl Gang? Christians have been patterned to think that if we just belong to a church, read our Bible regularly and maybe just listen to a church message or two throughout the week that we’re GOOD in terms of transformation, discipleship and growth. But this just isn’t true! We NEED […]

#32: Why You Need Your Own Jesus Girl Gang


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What is real discipleship? Simply by asking that question, it’s probably apparent that I believe there is a counterfeit kind of discipleship. And that, my friend, is the point of today’s episode. I want to show you, through the Bible, what real discipleship is, and I’m going to do it by sharing four things that […]

#31: How to Walk in Real Discipleship


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“What is truth?” In John 18, Pilate asked this very question of Jesus Christ. Here we are, thousands of years later, asking the same question — “What is truth?” — and struggling in our generation to answer, just the same as Pilate did. Jesus — the living Truth — was standing right in the room […]

#30: What is Truth?


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How is the Church positioned as we enter 2021? What’s our stance when it comes to what is happening in our culture? I’ve got some thoughts I want to share . . . This episode of the podcast is slightly different than my “normal” offering. In general, I like to offer highly practical and applicable […]

#19: The Church, Christianity & Politics As We Enter 2021


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Do you know where your worthiness really comes from? Today I want to encourage you on a topic that I think a lot of us have dealt with at some point or another when we’ve tried to do something that means focusing some time on personal transformation. Maybe you’ve said something like this: I don’t […]

#18: Where Your Worthiness Really Comes From


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Do you feel like you actively consider the words that are coming out of your mouth on a regular basis? Or do you let just any old thing tumble out? Do your feelings rule when it comes to what you say? And how’s that been working for you? Spoken words are powerful. The book of […]

#17: The Power of the Words That Are Coming Out of Your Mouth


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