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We like it salty and sweet

A Plan is simply a healthy boundary around your time, your talents and your effort. Having a plan is like having a roadmap for how to navigate to your breakthrough. I’m coming in with a hard but GOOD word for you today . . . YES, You DO need a plan (Luke 14:28). YES, You […]

#174: Stop Stressing & Start Planning For Success: How to Have Your Most Fruitful Year Ever


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Disappointment has driven me to try to quit my purpose and assignment no less than four times in the last six years. Don’t be like me, Sis. The relief you think quitting will bring just isn’t there. Not even a little bit. I’m getting super vulnerable on this episode because, if it’s possible, I want […]

#164: Here’s Why It’s Going to Work This Time . . .


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Underneath the myriad reasons we give for why we can’t take time to rest right now lurks a common root cause: We simply do not feel safe to slow down and rest. Ever. Have you ever considered that, underneath that pile of “really good reasons” for why you just can’t slow down right now might […]

#159: Do You Feel Safe To Rest?


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Have you found yourself “rescheduling” your quiet time to “tomorrow” so you can deal with more “pressing” needs instead? How many times does that need to happen before you start to see a negative shift in your mood, energy, attitude or productivity? The Daily Quiet Time. It’s like a foundational habit in the life of […]

#158: Why You Can’t Afford to Skip Your Quiet Time Today


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Godly woman, you’ve been given the design and the permission by God to be multipassionate. You don’t have to mute any part of who He made you to be! On this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I want to talk about how you can do *all the things* God has given you to […]

#155: How To Do All The Things Without Losing Your Faith or Burning Out


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Are celebration and rest regular parts of your lifestyle? I’m not just asking if you agree with celebration and rest as concepts. I’m asking if you regularly incorporate celebration and rest into your daily flow of living, working, creating and producing. When was the last time you intentionally and fully celebrated a win in your […]

#34: The Importance of Celebration & Rest


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How do you do with asking for help? I’m talking about anything from asking for a little bit of help like, “Can you pick something up for me at the store you’re already going to?” all the way up to that BIG ask of helping you to be accountable in a major life transformation you’re […]

#15: How To Ask For Help In a Healthy Way


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Are you a planner? Do you like to have a plan or a map in front of you as you enter a new year? Do you love to think about vision and targets and goals, or things you want to accomplish in the upcoming year? I know I sure love it and, in fact, I […]

#14: Year-End Review & Vision for the New Year


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Are you a Goals Girl? Or a Goals Guy? Do you just LOVE goals? Does part of your process at the beginning a year involve sitting down and devising a whole set of S.M.A.R.T. goals? I used to be a HUGE Goals Girl. My background is in accounting and taxation. I went to school for […]

#13: The Truth About Goals


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Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos edison bulb. Hashtag shaman seitan.

Five ways to level up your social today!

Better than Free Ice Cream!

Do the (side) hustle!

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage helvetica iceland tumblr. Green juice swag before they sold out hot chicken, air plant kale chips adaptogen typewriter.