Essential Oils

December 10, 2015

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Essential oils are everywhere these days.


You’ve been seeing tons of posts on social media about all the things essential oils can do, right? Maybe you’ve even seen folks around town whipping out little bottles with roller tops on them and applying oily concoctions to their wrists or temples or behind their ears. What’s that all about?


If that’s your question, I’ve got some answers for you!


family-picHi, there! I’m Erica. I’m a wife, mom, pastor, speaker, and a health and finance coach. And I LOVE essential oils! It’s funny, though — I thought about essential oils for quite a while before I actually jumped in and bought any. I did my research! For years, actually. I wasn’t convinced that something as simple as essential oils could really be the solution I’d been looking for when it came to natural wellness and healthy living for me and my family. But I’m glad I did the research, because I’ve found something that really WORKS!

When I began looking at essential oils, purity was a major concern for me. My kiddos were small (and still are!), so I didn’t want to use anything that couldn’t be safely used with them. I’m glad I learned about Young Living’s Seed to Seal guarantee early on. While there are a number of companies offering 100% therapeutic grade oils, Young Living sold me with their commitment to purity by following a process that protects the standard from the seed to the bottle.

I’ll admit, I tried a couple of bottles of a couple company’s oils before I finally made the decision to purchase my Premium Starter Kit. But once I bought that big box of wonderful, I was HOOKED! We use Thieves oil in my family on a daily basis to support natural immunity. We use a blend of lavender, lemon and peppermint to ease discomfort related to seasonal allergies. I put a couple drops of Frankincense in my moisture cream day and night. And we’ve used Purification blend for all sorts of things — from bug repellent to shoe stink squasher! All of these oils, plus 5 more, come in the kit, along with a diffuser. It’s such a deal!

Here’s the truth: We have replaced a NUMBER of household products with essential oil based blends. Laundry detergent, hand soap, and household cleaner, to name a few. And we’ve also found success using essential oils to promote natural wellness and a healthy lifestyle. I can tell you, first hand, essential oils really work!

I could talk for hours about oils, so I’ll just leave it here and let you explore the site. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by filling out this form. And if you are ready to start your oily journey, check out this page for all kinds of information about how to become a Young Living Member by purchasing your very own big box of wonderful!

Xoxo – Erica

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