(This is Part 2 of a message based on Hebrews 3:7-19. Click to read Part 1.)
Our job in this world, as Christians — as believers and bringers of His Kingdom — is to believe. In God. Through Jesus. In what God says. The word of God is infallible. Proverbs 30:5-6 says that every word of God is flawless. The ESV says it this way — “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.” And Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.” As Hebrews 4 tells us, the word of God is alive and active; it’s powerful! You can believe in the word of God. You can believe in the God who speaks it.
I think we’ve gotten into a habit where we think it’s okay to sit in unbelief because we feel it’s hard to believe sometimes. We think the difficulty justifies the sitting down in it. We’ve justified our delay in believing because it seems impossible. But I’ll tell you something about this place we’ve sat down. It’s a blind spot. The Lord wants to illuminate this blind spot, this dark place, for you today.
You think you are justified sitting in that place of figuring it out yourself when I seems difficult or impossible and God is saying to you today, step out of those shadows. That is an incredibly dangerous place to be! It cost people their lives in the desert between Egypt and the promised land and it will cost you years of your life if you continue to sit in the place of justification for why you will not (or think you cannot) believe. Step out, grab ahold of his word and your faith and BELIEVE today. I command you, in the name of Jesus! (I’m kind of not kidding. It’s that serious.)
Your job is to believe. Belief is more important that absolutely anything else you can do about the problem you are facing right now. That’s because everything you do about that problem should flow out of faith. Works without faith lack full power. Faith makes your actions productive. Faith selects the right actions. How are you choosing your actions right now? And are they productive? Are they moving you closer to your goal? Did you select those actions out of the promises and leading of God through faith? Let’s build the faith muscle today!
In John 6, the people ask Jesus what the work of God is and Jesus replies, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” Believe Jesus. That’s your work. What is he telling you is true? What is he telling you to do? What is he saying his blood has purchased for you? Breakthough? Healing? Prosperity? Why aren’t you believing him? Why are you being lazy in the spirit? Whoa! That’s serious, right? I know you may be exhausted, so it may seem a little insensitive to call you lazy, but what is your effort really producing when it’s not anchored in faith?
Listen, just because you are busy doesn’t mean you are effective. Just because you are tired from all the effort you put in doesn’t mean God is going to be pleased, or moved, for that matter. And it doesn’t guarantee you are going to be propelled forward either. Your effort must start with faith. Your first job is to believe. And the momentum in action will flow out from the God of the word you placed your trust in. Think about that last sentence for a few moments. It’s powerful.
Did you know that, in the Kingdom, seeing isn’t believing? Believing is seeing. That’s what the Bible says. And quantum physics is actually bearing this truth out. Some of the greatest movies and stories we’ve ever watched or heard have been about that kid with the crazy dream who just kept believing until “it” came true. And most of those stories have no mention of God whatsoever. And that’s okay, because the principles of God work no matter what. But how much better do they work with God? How much more with the power of the Holy Spirit activated and given free reign in your life? Why can’t this “crazy kid” story be you? Why can’t you be the Cinderella story? If you just believe and keep on believing, IT CAN BE! Sustained faith is your key.
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