Disappointment has driven me to try to quit my purpose and assignment no less than four times in the last six years. Don’t be like me, Sis. The relief you think quitting will bring just isn’t there. Not even a little bit.
I’m getting super vulnerable on this episode because, if it’s possible, I want to save you from making the same mistakes I’ve made, and from going around the proverbial mountain any more times than God deems absolutely necessary. Want to know what my “Goliath” has been over these last few years?
This thought, born out of disappointment and fear: THIS. ISN’T. WORKING.
From the time I was born until I left the marketplace at age 34, I lived what felt like a spectacularly favored life. Everything worked out for me. Everything. And I’m not just saying that. I actually had a girl tell me once that she spend a couple months mad at me because things seemed to always work out for me so well and with ease. All I could say at the time was, I guess favor ain’t fair.
But it wasn’t that my life was easy. I faced significant challenges growing up — relationally, with self-esteem, health-wise, financially. But as I faced each challenge, the solutions and the resources I needed seemed within my grasp. I had a rhythm of consistent breakthrough and victory going. #ThankYouJesus
But then I left my job. I was at the height of my career success, and had I stayed on, I would have only continued to grow and soar. But I felt the Lord directing me to hang up my tax accounting hat to move into mothering and ministry, so I obeyed. The price tag for that obedience was steep (I share about that in the episode), but I trusted God because He’d always come through for me (and quickly) up until then.
This one step of obedience launched me into a sixteen year season of wilderness living where it has felt, many times, like the favored life I once had was just a dream. And that’s when “Goliath” started showing up for me. That thought that started out so small — “this doesn’t seem to be working.” — has grown over the years into a full-sized giant, with a full and thunderously loud voice, shouting with intimidation — THIS. ISN’T. WORKING!
What do you do when it’s taking such a long time to see the GOOD things God has promised you come to pass? How do you wake up and step into your day — day after day — when everyday feels just like the last one — an eternal groundhog day — and you’re just not seeing the breakthrough, even a little bit? How do you get to the place where you can truly believe:
It’s going to work this time!
On this episode of the Positioned to Prosper podcast, I’m sharing my sixteen year journey of silence, disappointments and failures, and five powerful lessons I learned, as I’ve endeavored to see it (finally!) work this time. There is one particularly powerful revelation I’m sharing that is sure to shift your experience as you set your heart on the truth and knowledge found in the goodness, the grace and the faithfulness of God. Do you need this one, my friend? Go grab your Bible, your journal and a pen, and . . . Let’s Go!
READY TO GET CLARITY AROUND THE VISION GOD GAVE YOU & A STRATEGY TO GET YOU MOVING AGAIN? Join me for the FREE Vision Builders Masterclass: a 60-minute, workshop-style session that’ll get you unstuck & moving with purpose again in the direction of your dreams. Let’s get laser-focused on your God-given vision, bust through any mindset roadblocks, and create a personalized plan to get you moving again! You can get signed up here. Don’t miss out! This is a limited time experience.
Isaiah 55:11
So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Psalm 118:17-18
I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord. The Lord has disciplined me severely, but he has not given me over to death.
Joshua 21:45
Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass.
Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

READY TO GET CLARITY AROUND THE VISION GOD GAVE YOU & A STRATEGY TO GET YOU MOVING AGAIN? Join me for the FREE Vision Builders Masterclass: a 60-minute, workshop-style session that’ll get you unstuck & moving with purpose again in the direction of your dreams. Let’s get laser-focused on your God-given vision, bust through any mindset roadblocks, and create a personalized plan to get you moving again! You can get signed up here. Don’t miss out! This is a limited time experience.
Erica co-leads a local church alongside her husband, Doug, in Tampa, Florida called REVIVE Church of Tampa. You can visit the church’s website for more information about who we are, what we believe and how we show up as the Church in the heart of West Tampa and beyond.
REVIVE Church of Tampa streams service live on Sunday mornings at 11am ET. You can find that livestream on our church Facebook page:
Live Service – Sundays at 11am ET
If you’re interested in joining the online campus of REVIVE Church of Tampa, you are welcome to join our community group on Facebook where we offer weekly discussion around the Friday and Sunday messages as well as discipleship Zoom groups and the opportunity to host others in your home as you stream services. You can find us here:
The ROCC: REVIVE Online Campus Community
About this podcast:
Welcome to the Positioned to Prosper Podcast with Erica Pyle, where we dive deep into Biblical mindsets, strategies, and inspiration to help you thrive in every area of your life. Whether it’s faith, health, relationships, finances, business, or ministry, Erica’s here to equip you with the tools you need to get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, and avoid burnout as you pursue your purpose with intention.
Join Erica, co-lead pastor of REVIVE Church of Tampa, and founder/lead mentor of The Jesus Girl Gang, an online, group coaching mentorship for Christian women with a pioneering spirit, as she shares powerful teachings, practical advice, and pivotal strategies for breakthrough living without compromising on the things that matter most to you. With over 13 years of experience in pastoral ministry alongside her husband Doug, Erica brings a wealth of knowledge and a passionate heart for helping you live out God’s best for your life.
Each week, tune in for transformative insights that will empower you to build a Kingdom business or ministry, nurture your personal well-being, and create balanced, prosperous relationships. If you’re a faith-driven woman seeking to align your life with God’s purpose, you’re in the right place.
Connect with Erica on Social For More Daily Encouragement, Strategy & Inspiration:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ericapyle
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ericapyle.biz
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