
10 Day Money Challenge

January 20, 2011

Here’s your opportunity to see God impact your finances in a meaningful and powerful way! The 10-Day Prosperity Challenge will guide you through several foundational Biblical concepts about how God provides and will offer you the opportunity to apply practical tools and ideas to your personal finances. Each day you will find scripture, a devotional reading and topic specific activities, discussion points and prayer guides to get you focused and believing for your personal financial breakthrough. You’re also invited to weigh in on the day’s topic by checking out the community’s comments at the bottom of the page and adding your own thoughts and questions.  So grab your spouse, partner or a trusted friend and join the Prosperity Challenge today. We’re believing big things for your finances over these next ten days. So let’s get started!

Day 1: The Provider

Day 2: Purpose

Day 3: Vision

Day 4: Giving

Day 5: Debt

Day 6: Budgeting and Planning

Day 7: Saving and Investing

Day 8: Agreement

Day 9: Speak

Day 10: See


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